I want to congratulate Joe Biden on becoming the vice presidential running nominee. Joe is a friend and colleague, a strong experienced leader and a devoted public servant. I look forward to not only seeing him in Denver next week but on the trail as I work to help Barack Obama and Joe Biden along with many other Democratic candidates campaign this fall. Democrats are going to have a great and unified convention in Denver next week, and I can't wait to be there. I am looking forward to visiting my friends and colleagues from New York, stopping by events like the Emily's List reception, and doing everything I can to champion Barack Obama along the way. Of course, I will also be getting ready for my speech to the convention on Tuesday night. You can see for yourself by following my convention activities on our website at HillaryClinton.com, as well as on social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.And I'm very excited to meet Joseph Gerou, a second grade teacher from Kenosha, Wisconsin, who won our contest and will be joining me in Denver. I am looking forward to hearing more from him and so glad he can join me for this historic event. I can't thank everyone enough for your generous support over the past few weeks. It means so much to me personally to know that I can count on your continued friendship as I work hard to help elect Barack Obama and our other Democratic candidates in 2008. I wish you could all come with me to Denver. So I hope you will do the next best thing and stay tuned. Please keep coming back to the website to see all we are doing. I will be updating you regularly with photos, video, email and more.This is going to be a week to remember filled with many memorable and exciting moments as Democrats come together. I hope you will join me in celebrating.
Thank you again for your hard work and your generous spirit.